关于「 36052600」的内容列表

Ronin: Goda upgrade to go live on July 3

On June 25th, Ronin announced on the X platform that the Goda upgrade is planned for block 36052600 on July 3rd. In addition, Ronin also said that the Tripp hard fork allows all validators to earn rewards by generating blocks every day. Aaron Hardfork introduces the upgradability of Axie & Land smart contracts. REP-0014 proposes to implement Ethereum's EIP-1559 and transfer gas fees to Ronin Treasury.

2024-06-25 21:26:35

6月25日消息,Ronin 在 X 平台宣布拟于 7 月 3 日区块 36052600 进行 Goda 升级,此外,Ronin 还表示 Tripp 硬分叉使所有验证者每天都能通过生成区块获得奖励,Aaron Hardfork 引入了 Axie & Land 智能合约的可升级性,REP-0014 提议实施以太坊的 EIP-1559,将 gas 费用转入 Ronin Treasury。

2024-06-25 21:26:35